Hotel Billing Management Software By Suryanshsk

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Today I Introduce you about Hotel Billing Management Software 

Source Code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox ("This Software Is Developed By Suryanshsk")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub Print_Click()
tot1.Text = chq.Text * chp.Text
tot2.Text = riq.Text * rip.Text
tot3.Text = puq.Text * pup.Text
tot4.Text = paq.Text * pap.Text
tot5.Text = miq.Text * mip.Text
tot6.Text = papq.Text * papp.Text
tot7.Text = colq.Text * colp.Text
tot.Text = Val(tot1.Text) + Val(tot2.Text) + Val(tot3.Text) + Val(tot4.Text) + Val(tot5.Text) + Val(tot6.Text) + Val(tot7.Text)
price.Caption = tot.Text & "Rs"
lbl1.Caption = txt1.Text

final.Caption = "Dear customer You have to pay Only  " & tot.Text & "  Rs. "

End Sub

Download Link: Download NOw


  1. Thanks For Provide Such a information


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