

class AllBlocks Demo

public static void main(String args[]) { String citylist[] = {"Ahmedabad", "Baroda", "Rajkot", "Surat");

int numerator = 15, denominator = 0, answer:

System.out.println("Statement to be executed before try block");

try {

System.out.println("Begining of try block...");

System.out.printin(citylist[5]); // Generates ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException answer numerator / denominator; // Generates ArithmeticException System.out.println("End of try block...");


catch(ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException eobj) {

} System.out.println("Within first catch block, exception caught:" + eobj);

catch(ArithmeticException eobj) {

System.out.println("Within second catch block, exception caught:" + eobj); }

catch(Exception eobj) {

System.out.println("Within last catch block, exception caught:" + eobj); //Generic block

System.out.println("This part of code will always get executed"); }


System.out.println("End of Program...");

finally {




class ArrayAvg

public static void main(String[] s), {

double numbers [] = { 10.5, 20.6, 30.8, 15.5, 17.3, 25.5, 27.7 , 20, 30 18.5);

byte ctr

double sum=0, avg;

System.out.printin ("list of numbers is"); for (ctr=0; ctr<10; ctr++)

System.out.printin (numbers[ctr]); sum=sum+numbers [etr]

avg - sum/101 System.out.println ("\nAverage of above numbers is" + avg);


// main

// class

class PrintLine


static void printline()


for (int i=0; i<40; i ++) System.out.print (^ prime =^ prime ); System.out.println();


static void printline(int n)


for (int i=0; i<n; i ++) System.out.print('#'); System.out.println();


static void printline(char ch, int n)


for (int i=0; i<n; i ++) System.out.print(ch); System.out.println();


} // end class PrintLine

public class polyDemo


public static void main(String[] s)


PrintLine.printline(); PrintLine.printline(30);


} // end PolyDemo class

} // end main

// principal amount in rupees

// interest rate in percentage

// number of years // maturity amount

public static void main(String[] args) {

/* declare variables */

double principal;

double rate;

public class Interest


// interest amount

double duration; double maturity;

double interest;

/* computations. */ principal - 17000; rate = 9.50; duration= 3 :

interest - principal * duration * rate / 100; // compute interest amount maturity = principal + interest; // compute maturity amount

/* display results */ System.out.println("Principal amount: " + principal + "Rupees");

System.out.println("Deposit for duration of " + duration + " years"); System.out.println("Interest Rate: " + rate + "%");

System.out.println("Interest amount: " + interest + "Rupees"); System.out.println("Maturity amount:" + maturity + " Rupees");

} // end of main()

} // end of class Interest


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